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How to register a joint venture (partnership) company?

Update Time : 2014/01/09 View : 2998
1 information required for registration of joint venture
1.1 you need to provide the following information
1.1.1 company name
1.1.2 business scope
1.1.3 contribution and contribution ratio
1.1.4 registered address
1.1.5 partner's business license (company) or identity card original (personal)
1.1.6 the partners acknowledge the amount of contribution paid
1.1.7 execute the transaction partner or delegate the original identity card
1.1.8 term of partnership and time limit for acceptance.
1.2 we will prepare or submit the following information for you
1.2.1 application for establishment of enterprise registration
Notice of prior approval of the name of 1.2.2 company
1.2.3 reservation notice
1.2.4 partnership agreement
1.2.5 recognition (real) capital contribution confirmation
1.2.6 all partners entrust the executive partner to the letter of attorney
1.2.7 partnership, executive partner, delegate, delegate, proxy.
2 Affandi one-stop service process
2.1, the company name pre-approval, print the name pre-approval notice
2.2, the company business scope reference, make an appointment for registration
2.3, apply for business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate and related records, approval procedures
2.4 engraved chapter registration card to the Public Security Bureau designated outlets (public property, engraved chapter seal, financial seal)
2.5 bank account opening, account opening permit, credit card code
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