If change private equity fund managers, shareholders Your location: Home > 前海公司注册1 > If change private equity fund managers, shareholders
First of all, the shareholders / partners who need to reduce the proportion of investment to do the reduction change, after the approval of the change, the new investment proportion is effective, continue to the next shareholder / partner contribution ratio adjustment;
Secondly, the shareholders / partners who need to improve the proportion of capital contribution to make changes, change, through the audit, the new proportion of investment effective, continue to the next shareholder / partner contribution ratio adjustment;
Finally, increase the new shareholder / partner, fill in the proportion of effective investment, after the audit, the entire capital ratio adjustment is completed.
Note: if you need to add several shareholders / partners, please ensure that the new shareholders / partners audited, the entire investment ratio is not more than 100%, so as not to audit the adoption of the impact of the proportion of investment adjustment process

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