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Trademark registration is not as simple as you think Your location: Home > vocational education > Trademark registration is not as simple as you think
With the development and progress of Commerce, trademarks have become synonymous with enterprises. A nice and vivid logo can make a deep impression on us. A lot of companies on their trademark are not very carefully, behind the development of enterprises after the discovery of his trademark is awesome, not memorable, too ordinary. It's more troublesome to change the brand at this time. Trademark registration is not as simple as you think. Small, small, legal, please take a look at the question of trademark registration.
1, personal applications are limited
In order to promote the development of market economy, our country's Trademark Office trademark or more stringent management, in order to prevent trademark cybersquatting, so our country not to allow individuals to apply for a trademark, the specification of the trademark application behavior, but at the same time, our country also provides, after we should actively use the trademark application. If the brand is not used after three years, then anyone has the right to apply for the cancellation of the trademark. However, the use of the right of cancellation requires some payment, and it may not be successful.
2, electronic applications are limited
In order to regulate the registration of a trademark, in addition to not allow individuals to apply for the registration of trademark, electronic application is also restricted, electronic application now refers directly through the Internet application development trend of trademark, this is also the national trademark application. Compared with the traditional paper application, electronic application improves the application efficiency, reduce the cost of the trademark application, but also has some problems, so now the provisions of each agency, electronic application one day most can only be ten trademark.
3, once the trademark is registered, do not change it at will
A company's trademark, a trademark of a commodity, can not be changed arbitrarily after it has been fixed. If it is really necessary to make a change, it also needs to be filed and filed. Therefore, when you apply for a trademark, you need to first think of what your company needs, and then register, so as not to increase unnecessary trouble.

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