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Trademark four common sense of infringement Your location: Home > vocational education > Trademark four common sense of infringement
(1) using the same or similar trademark as the registered trademark on the same commodity or similar commodity without the permission of the owner of the registered trademark.
1. On the same commodity, use the same trademark as the registered trademark of another;
2. Use a trademark similar to a registered trademark of another on the same commodity;
3, the use of similar goods in other people's registered trademarks of the same trademark;
4, the use of similar goods on the registered trademarks of others with similar trademarks.
The act of unauthorized implementation of such acts, whether intentional or negligent, constitutes infringement of the right to exclusive use of the registered trademark of others.
(two) selling goods that knowingly are counterfeit registered trademarks. A seller who knowingly knows or should know that the sale is a counterfeit registered trademark constitutes such infringement.
(three) forging or arbitrarily making a registered trademark of another person or selling counterfeit or unauthorized registered trademark marks.
1, forging other people's registered trademarks;
2, without the trademark holder entrusted or authorized to manufacture its registered trademark logo;
3, beyond the rights conferred by the trademark holder, arbitrarily manufacture its registered trademark logo;
4, sales are forged, unauthorized manufacture of registered trademarks.
(four) giving others the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark and causing other damages.
1, the distribution of knowingly or should be known to infringe on other people's right to exclusive use of registered trademarks.
2, on the same kind of goods, and others will be identical or similar to a registered trademark of the text and graphics as the name of a commodity or commodity decoration use, is sufficient to cause misidentification.
3 intentionally providing convenience for warehousing, transportation, mailing, hiding or other convenient conditions for infringing the right of exclusive use of the registered trademark of another person. Such infringement is a necessary condition for intentional implementation.
What if we are infringed on our trademark at ordinary times?
May go to the industrial or commercial bureau or the right holder at the county level or above to make complaints or to bring a lawsuit through the people's court at the county level or above. Through the administration of industry and Commerce Administration of trademark infringement efficiency is high, you can short time to stop infringement of the other party. Through the people's courts, they may prosecute their commercial interests and make claims.

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