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What is a shareholder? Your location: Home > human resources > What is a shareholder?
1, what is the shareholders?
Shareholder is the owner of the company, the shareholder can be one or more, according to the proportion of equity controlled company. But the identity of the shareholders only represent the ownership of the company, and do not represent the company to conduct business. But companies can hire a shareholder in the company, shareholders can through the form of corresponding position with the company's foreign related power. Therefore, shareholders in the company hired former is invisible. Attention should be paid to shareholders is usually a natural person, the company is a legal person, both of which are "people", has the independent power obligations, cannot replace each other, also do not need to take responsibility for each other.

2, what are the responsibilities of the shareholders?
The shareholder of the company only one duty (or obligation), is paid to the company ?

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