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Registration of establishment of the partnership Your location: Home > human resources > Registration of establishment of the partnership
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Set up a partnership business
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The partnership enterprise law of the People's Republic of China
Partnership enterprise registration measures for the administration of the People's Republic of China
The commercial registration of shenzhen special economic zone is certain rules
(a) the partnership enterprise law of the People's Republic of China (February 23, 1997 the standing committee of the eighth National People's Congress on 24th meeting, on August 27, 2006, the tenth session of the standing committee of the National People's Congress meeting revision 23) article 9; (2) the measures for the administration of the registration of partnership enterprises of the People's Republic of China "(on November 19, 1997, state council order no. 236, according to on May 9, 2007, the state council on amending the < law of the People's Republic of China on partnership enterprise registration measures for the administration > decision" amendment) article 2; (3) the shenzhen economic ?

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